The creative director of American Vogue magazine.
I've been fascinated of her since i saw "the september issue". Loved her in the documentary, she seemed to have such a genuine and colorful personality.

My favorite part in the documentary is when she refused to retouch the cameraman stomach! Loved that she went with her vision. The result is amazing.

Acid washed shorts
from topshop, so nice.

I'm gonna have a walk-in. That's a promise.

Jack daniels vintage shirts
what to wear KAOS
Feel no inspiration today. The only thng i'm sure that i want to wear(bad hairday) is my new cap from H&M 49 SEK, suitable for a student wallet !
a lot on my mind
Right now! Think i'm gonna let go of all the
(life)questions for today, take a bath and go to bed. Bringing my camera to school tomorrow maybe snap some pictures for you guys!
sleep tight!

X 4
love the clean look.

See By Chloé

MBFW A/W 2012 // Mercedes Bentz FASHION Week
Starts tomorrow. Theese are the designers.

ish I could be there.
Rebecca simonsson
Is probably one of the coolest girls in this little country. Her suit from Tiger( to the right), i died. totally died. Perfection.


My mind is so set on "ignore that it is winter" so I think that I will start my spring now. A good start is to add som color on your nails, H&M has an amazing palette. Essie you know my all time favourite, isn't quite there yet but I have faith.

This is my new coat. Love love love - white
miroslava duma

Words are not enough.

This photo is taken by my B-friend. It's for a exhibition
on recycling and the dress I wear, made from tablecloths,
is his moms contribution! It was freezing and I couldn't feel my fingers, but I look pretty darn happy anyway!
i want summer
i would wear it all.
Had an interview today for a trainee-spot! Got a good feeling but who knows, there's a lot of competition out there so please keep your fingers crossed ♥ The other thing I love with this day is that i found 2 WHITE amazing coats. ON SALE. how nice? freakin' fantastic. I also found the ultimate scarf, ON SALE 2. It's feels like I have earned money today. I chose to look at it in that perspective, feels better than the spending view!
Hmm what else makes this the perfect day..? all nice series that are on today; Stylisterna, Revenge & Elsas värld! Think my boyfriend is pretty happy that he has football practise.. And the last thing that made this day complete; when you come home and don't have to make dinner because you made too much yesterday. YEAH!!
Talk soon!
This shoe
from Nelly is så cute.

The heel measures 10 cm wich is the perfect hight if you want to use them daily.
why not take pictures of yourself
If you don't have a blog
Madde om
overslept: Jag dör jämt, vad fint hår du har! Vad använder du till ditt hår?? //
TACK! Kör väl en liten hårspecial här; gällande klippning så klipper jag mig typ aldrig, och jag använder bara shampoo ( Aussie ) dvs inget balsam. Inte det ultimata.. Tror dock att eftersom jag aldrig färgat mitt hår, förutom dom RÖDA slingorna som blev orangea i 6:an , så blir det inte alltför slitet. Låter alltid håret självtorka för att sedan använda PHC torrshampa och sen en volymspray. Ibland tjyvar jag lite boyfriends vax. LANZA, neontub. HELT KANON!//
Emilie om
Jumperlicious // minty: vart har du köpt den? älskar färgen!!//
Maja om
The perfect Jumper part 2: först: LOVE your blog! men jag undrar om du har lust att maila mig, elelr skriva ett inlägg var du hittar alla fina inspirationsbilder och omslag osv. måstemåstemåste veta! TACK! om någon annan vill maila om samma tips får ni gärna göra det!
[email protected]// bilderna hittar jag överallt, finns inget speciellt blogg eller hemsida. Bemästra google så löser det sig !// Carro om
love this jacket: Jag med, varifrån? :) //
Exam in about 5 hours
so now, coffe and refreshment of the memory. Think I have it under control, but you'll never know.
I will not start off this post with telling you how tired I am, crap, i did.
The point was to give you a tip; if you're ever in london you must have breakfast at Pret so nice. If you're there in the springtime, take-away to a park and just love life.

looked through some old photos if you wonder how this came to me.
Just painted my nails

love the color
wearing pyjama pants today
bought this

Today from IKEA, 299 SEK and it will be yours!
Ordered a Kartell lamp a couple of weeks ago to, wonder where the fuck it is!? should be here this week or next! YAY it's going to be FANTASTIC!
with my love. Sitting by a desk in his renovated barn with Nisse (cat) on the table or more precisely on my pink marc jacobs macbook cover. It's snowing outside. not little, A LOT. We're going to sit here all day wich equals a lot of coffe consumtion. YEah think i need to get back to the books. Hope your saturday is more fun than mine.

love the the all white look! This trend; mixing different shades of white, is gonna look so nice this summer with a tan.

Alexander Wang

I died. Totally died.
food. that's what i need right now. I've made som study preperations this morning like cleaning my apartement. I can't study when it's things all over so i've cleaned it ALL. Feels good. Breakfast forgot to eat so maybe some brunch now would be nice. I like got the weirdest craving: ORANGES, so think i'm gonna slice one upp. God i feel my posts are so intresting right now.. Think we'll talk later instead.
These Jeans from ACNE is just what's lacks in my closet. With them it would be complete. OR can a closet be complete? no i guess not. not mine. There's always something on my wish list. BUT the jeans would look so good together with that perfect minty green sweater I bought at H&M last week and my gold glittershoes. Yeah. The other alternative is to find a pair of the PERFECT pair of 501, stonewashed and trashed, but what's the chance of that happening?

or milk with coffe wich is more my style, is just what i need right now.
Wouldn't mind having this little fella' in my lap either.

Found this on, thought it was very nice, my favorite is nr 6, LOVED IT!

Need summer

and pretty things.
This carpet made my blood rush

Got a sudden urge to re-decorate my home.
hello lovers
now . coffe with love!
think i'm gonna bring my camera , snap a photo or two!

, love
Yellow. Love it. Must have. Something. Yellow
I think i'm gonna wear these tonight
A week ago i found them at and fell in love. The colour is hard to capture on camera but it's a
perfect green one.

Jumperlicious // minty

ELLE COLLECTIONS spring summer 2012
Is finally in stores, YAY!
Can be found at PRESS STOP, 300 SEK - money well spent!

I just came from town. Yesterday there wasn't much blogging because me and boyfriend had some quality time ♥ Dinner@ Yaki-da, amazing more of that please!! When we woke up today we went for a walk in Slottskogen and after that breakfast at Da Matteo. Such a lovely day!
BTW- Today I found the love of my life, THE JUMPER. so happy. There will be pictures , just give me 5 minutes. Talk to you later !!
Phat - The coolest guy i know
is an old Boss. We worked together for quite a while when i were visual merchandiser at Zara. Phat is his name, just that is SO cool ! This guy can pull off womens clothing better than me. It's fascinating to see how he can make a woman blazer look so chic and not GIRLY at all, just cool, on phat everything is cool. I wish I had a lot of pictures to back up all that i'm saying, I don't.. BUT.. I have his blog. unfortunately he don't post pictures of himself ( Phat, please do!) but there's a lot of amazing inspo so check it out!
HEllo guys
Home at last after a long day in school. Not so fun. Not so fun at all. NEEDED some nutrition, chickpeas and an avocado did the job. YUCK you might say but it's really YUMMY!! Think i'm gonna try to study logistics for a couple of hours and after that put together a personal letter for potential Trainee-spots!
So tata for now!
I must say, the right-below-knee Length dress/skirt
can look so good on like a skinny ITALIAN FASHION editior with just that classy style, the Marni-vibe, are you with me? But on me, ridicolous. I think it's time to spend some time in Italy, work twice as hard and diet, wonder if the right-below-knee length will look good on me too then? doubt it.
You might have seen this before but i'm just statuing (is that the word? maybe not but you get the point) an example.

I'm hungry and bored
CHANEL Paris // Bombay collection // Métiers d'Art. Paris
one thing you may not know about me
Is that i like NEVER wear skirts or dresses (OK, exeption; MAXI) i'm totally a pants (any formation, style and print) type of GAL'.
So, now that i've shared something, it's your turn!
want them, need them.

Would wear them with a grey sweatshirt or a sheer blouse. So sad that they´re not in store yet.
The perfect Jumper part 2

From Topshop. So nice. Want/need one in each color. Perfect for the spring.
Love these pants
seventy-five SEK
on sale, T-shirt from Weekday

So super tired. Still sick, this post didn't come of happy.. But I Am ! Or Am I ? Whatever. Heading off to school soon. Logistics is on the agenda today. Good to know. Later coffe @ Da Matteo, with who is still a little fuzzy but we'll see! By the way banana&youghurt(FIL) could be like the best thing in the world, and I usually don't even like bananas! hmm.. Painted my nails yesterday WHITE, so nice. Placed a litte order at, hope i'll get it soon. Show you on the blog later on! I guess this was all for the update this time!

Please give me summer.
The perfect pink jumper

TREND - Perforation
In many of the R-T-W 2012 you could see this trend in many different variations. Alexander Wang used the old fishnet fabric wich i don't like. Makes things look very cheap in my eyes. Maybe i'll come around and appreciate the fishnet trend later on, who knows? but for now - thumbs down.
Alexander Wang

From Top left : 2 x Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Missoni Altuzarra, Chloé, 2 x Givenchy

This part of the Perforation trend i really like!
maybe i should get tumblr ?
Anna dello russo - rules for sales
2. Not buy USELESS stuff. They are like the exotic SOUVENIRS, that when you return from the trip, encumber and ruin the aesthetics of your house.
3. Point your FAV PIECE like your BIG LOVE. Stay posted to the window, follow the customers’ movements, wait the first day of sales.
4. Buy only COLLECTOR’S ITEMS out of the ordinary: otherwise you will get the nth black coat!
5. Don’t go RANDOMLY, you’ll spend more energy and money.
6. Take your WISH-list MAP.
7. Give yourself a BUDGET and follow your WISH-list priorities.
8. Don’t get DUPED by sales: They are like the beautiful mermaids of PIRATES of the CARIBBEAN 4. First seduce you and then drag you to the bottom of the sea.
9. Buy only DESIGNER’S clothes. Why? high-quality is guaranteed.
10. Not fly commercial! Take the chance to go in the FORBIDDEN stores and satisfies all your WHIMS!”
After reading, I realized that i'm already living by her rules,
are you?GOD think she's so cool!

H&M // versace cruise collektion 2012 // Abbey
But if it was up to me i would have switched colors. Love the lighter color but like the model on the darker one more. So glad that they have made the denim jackets longer and more oversize, so my style! Do you love?

This pic
made me realise that i'm in
desperate need of a denimshirt
just because i really
love this pic.

Danne&Bleckan//från ingenting till någonting
Salong Betong - obligatorisk att se.

In bed
Want some breakfast NOW. Thinking about going to the bakery, freshly baked bread and tea could be the best way to start a new day. The weather sucks today, fun fun fun. Totally slipped my mind that it's saturday today, feels more like sunday. hmm.. Yeah yeah, seems like i have nothing interesting to say yet so talk to you later ♥

BTW want to go to Paris soon.
the coolest cat in the world

Lying next to me at the moment, snoring and purring, SO CUTE!
for those of you who don't have blogs
I will answer your QUESTIONS in a new Category for now on. I'm gonna make it simple for everyone so i will name it QUESTIONS. So, if you have any wonderings but are bloggless (new word ) you'll find the answer there!
Carro om
love this jacket Jag med, varifrån? :) Zara, längesen//
Vic om
favoriter Vad heter färgerna? Lila
bahama mama, svart
liquorice, vitt
blanc, blått
midnight cami//
Anonym om
Prepared Vad pluggar du till och vilka kurser ska du läsa till?? Internationell inköpsekonom, textilkurser paralellt eller efter är planen//
my favorite bag at the moment
love this jacket
so happy
Think my passion for blogging has returned! I can see that you're enjoying it too, more and more readers every day! I'm happy to announce that i feel a little bit better today as well, think he upstairs listened to my complaints. The brunch was cancelled due to COSM ( Care-Of-Sick-Man, em, you're such a dream, i would have left him for shopping but yeah yeah) so, this morning i'm now dedicated to CLEANING. Gonna have my ladies over tomorrow for wine and need to prepare some! Later, shopping!
What is on your agenda today?

London soon maybe?
Love the model on this bathingsuit from TOPSHOP. Everyone who knows me is aware of my hate for the colour purple, but i think i'm slowly.. very slowly.. start to like it.. already have the deep plum nailpolish, so why not take the next step? think i'm gonna get one.

TUESDAYs, in general those days suck and today was no exception. Think i coughed up my lungs before. nice, right? not really. Tomorrow I plan to keep my lungs and be healthy and happy again. GOD I don't have time for this cold right now, I made plans for tomorrow which i refuse to change. Breakfest/Lunch with Em then meet another Em for some shopping and quality time. That's it, tomorow i'm sickness free.
Now i'm gonna make myself some tea, lemon and honey, jump into a bath and look a documentery about fashion. talk tomorrow
Peace out / N
Got to show you this
Isabel lucas, think it's so pretty.

I crave
This fuckin' amazing bomberjacket, love the aztec print

This lovely piece of art, takes bathing suits to a complete new level, wouldn't mind wearing this to the beach this summer

And these glasses, they are just way too cool.

Vogue México
Varenda kvadratcentimeter av mitt hem. Kärt återseende idag. Spenderat de senaste dagarna i onsala vilket har varit väldigt skönt men min lilla lägenhet ååh vad jag har saknat dig. ♥

pretty things
the balenciaga shorts